Building community and connection in Southwest Texas & Southern New Mexico.
Spreading the gospel through the modality of yoga to the ends of the earth.

What is Holy Yoga?
Holy Yoga is the intentional practice of connecting our entire being, body, mind and spirit with God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With complete reliance on God’s Word and prayer, Holy Yoga invites us to surrender and introduces us to Grace. When we breathe and move and have our being in Christ, we find ourselves in the flow of His magnificence. There is often a misunderstanding that yoga is a religion; it is not. Yoga is a spiritual discipline, much like prayer, fasting and meditation. Yoga has the capacity to enhance our personal beliefs and faith.
We practice with our minds set on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy (Phil 4:8), not with our minds emptied. We meditate on the wisdom of God’s Word (Psalm 119:9-16, 26-27), not on man’s wisdom. We seek the transcendence and glory of God, not our own.
Holy Yoga is an experiential worship created to deepen people’s connection to Christ. Our sole purpose is to facilitate a Christ honoring experience that offers an opportunity to believers and non-believers alike to authentically connect to God through His Word, worship, and wellness. Holy Yoga® Global provides world-class training where wellness practitioners are intersected by the living God and resourced to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Meet Shannon Pierce, M-HYI 500
Licensed Instructor Trainer
My yoga journey began in 2016 when I recognized how disillusioned I had become with my corporate career. I lost touch with who I was and my health was deteriorating. A Holy Yoga Face Book Ad caught my attention and I never looked back. What started as a quest for better health and a way to manage my stress became not only a physical journey but an embodied, spiritual experience that has changed my life.
My desire is to teach others how to also find their healthiest selves both physically & spiritually, breathe fresh Hope & Truth into the fitness world, provide a new way to gather in commUNITY, and grow in love for God and one another.

200-hr Holy Yoga Instructor Training with Shannon
Our 200-Hour Holy Yoga Instructor Training are for those who are looking to receive expert yoga training as well as Christ-centered spiritual development. Our programs offer a holistic, Christ-centered approach, focusing on the complete wellbeing of our students — body, mind, soul, and strength — because we believe that it is only through experiencing Divine transformation that we can learn and live a life’s journey of inspiration, fellowship and spirituality.
Whether you inspire to be a yoga teacher or just want to go deeper in cultivating a Christ-centered yoga practice, we invite you to learn more about the program.